Queen - We Are the Champions (조금쉬운악보, 보헤미안 랩소디 OST) by 쌤써니

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Queen - We Are the Champions (조금쉬운악보, 보헤미안 랩소디 OST) by 쌤써니0
Queen - We Are the Champions (조금쉬운악보, 보헤미안 랩소디 OST) by 쌤써니1

We Are the Champions Piano Tutorial 보러가기 -> https://tv.naver.com/v/4695018

(Queen 악보 보러가기)

1.Bohemian Rhapsody : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21416

2.Love of My Life : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21534

3.We Will Rock You : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21448

4.We Are the Champions : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21526

5.Don't Stop Me Now : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21464

6.I Was Born To Love You  : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21888

7.Radio Ga Ga : https://www.mapianist.com/board/music/21900

< 최신곡 보러가기 >

쌤써니유튜브 https://www.youtube.com/c/쌤써니

쌤써니네이버 https://tv.naver.com/samsunny

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